Kinky, The Guv (Why the Hell Not?)

Here in Texas, I'm hoping for a new governor. A Kinky governor. Watch The (Future) Guv's first Kinkytoon, and you'll agree: "how hard can it be?"
There was a story in the Austin Chronicle about him last week: Here Comes The Guv (see also: Kinky's Mexican Riptide).
He began to look at things differently, and he didn't like what he saw: the state's public education system a mess, with teachers merely "teaching to a test" and not free to truly educate; the state's capital punishment machine churning forward, while serious questions of innocence (as in Soffar's case) seem to go unanswered; the border with Mexico a sieve, and people "dying in the backs of trucks." And no one – least of all the Republicans, led by Rick Perry, who had effectively swallowed state government whole – appeared to be doing anything at all to turn things around. "People are tired of these two parties … [of politicians that] never get off their asses except to attack someone," Friedman says. What the people need, he says, is what he has to offer: "A little bit of honesty; that's what people are dying for." It all made sense, he says: he would run for governor. "All the stars are in a line, boy; it's time."
Also available: lots of awesome campaign t-shirts and such. I'm having a hard time picking, but I think I'll have to go with "Why The Hell Not?".