Is It Fitzmas Yet?

I agree with Jonathan Schwartz: the anticipation is killing me, too. Will today finally be Fitzmas?
Maybe I'll play Fitzmas Bingo to pass the time.
What kind of machine can, for 10 millennia, accurately reconcile hours, days, weeks, months, leap years, leap centuries, the precession (wobbling around an axis) of planetary orbits, and, grandest cycle of all, the 25,784-year precession of the equinox?
Answer: a digital one. A calculation that extends to 28 bits is accurate to one in 3.65 million—or in clock terms, one day in 10,000 years. Bits and bytes are typically rendered electronically, but Hillis says he "rejected electronics from the start. It would not be technologically transparent and probably not durable. I could quickly see that the clock had to be mechanical."
From web usability expert Jakob Nielsen, some good tips specifically for blogs. Seeing how this blog you're reading with your grubby little eyes has been around for almost whole year, maybe it's time to spruce the place up with some of his pointers.
MacMall sucks, I hate them, and I will never order anything from them again.
I caught a little of an old favorite on the car radio today: Car Talk. Funny yet informative, I'm surprised every time at how much those guys make me laugh. At the end they read their spoof/wordplay credits, with some new ones I hadn't heard before. When I got home I looked them up on the web, and was rewarded with a full credits page, including many I've never heard on the show.