The Album Formerly Known As Sean Hannity’s Phone Number ... Currently Sean Hannity Is a Democracy Subverting Douche Bag

Via jwz, the story of the band Kids Against Combs, who'd given their new album a title that used the private phone number of Fox News loudmouth Sean Hannity: Sean Hannity (631) 673-8003.
But the band and their label, 10-34 Records, were threatened with a lawsuit by Hannity's attorneys.
The band also alleges that spies from the Hannity camp — or at least some people who "looked extremely conservative Republican" and "not the type of folk that would be at any sort of live performance, except for maybe Paul Anka or Wayne Newton" — arrived to scope out a KAC performance the next day. Luckily, the band had freshly printed copies of the album for sale, sans home address and retitled The Album Formerly Known As Sean Hannity’s Phone Number ... Currently Sean Hannity Is a Democracy Subverting Douche Bag.
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