Friday, March 18, 2005

Batman: New Times

If you liked Grayson The Movie (and I know you did), then you'll probably also dig this. Via Slashdot, another cool Batman fan movie - Batman: New Times.

This one is a movie school student project, made with computer generated, LEGO-like bricks. Which is like, what, three levels of unreality? Not real people, but LEGOs. Wait, not real LEGOs, but some LEGO knock-off. No, wait again, not real LEGO knock-offs, computer-generated LEGO knock-offs. Okay, then. Regardless - a cool little flick. And with real movie stars (not LEGO, LEGO knock-off or even computer generated LEGO knock-off movie stars) for the voice acting: like Mark Hamill, Dick Van Dyke and even Adam West.


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