Grayson The Movie

Grayson The Movie
This is awesome - apparently this guy made this trailer for a movie that doesn't exist - in fact may never exist - just for fun!
In a nutshell, the idea for Grayson has been swimming around in my head for too long - so, with the help of a handful of talented artists, and four credit cards, I set out to shape the idea into a reality.
The objective was simple - tell a new and exciting story about the former boy wonder that leaves audiences wanting more. Did I hit the mark? You be the judge.
John Fiorella
Director, Grayson
He does indeed hit the mark, IMHO - I want to see that movie! And not only because of the hero's cool name - it actually looks at least as good as the average comic book superhero movie.
I just watched this trailer on It is so awsome! I was depressed to find out that it isn't a real movie. Apparantly he can't get the funds for it. How the heck not! If this guy can do a trailer this good without having any funds at all, imagine what he could do if he was backed with some real cash. It will be sad if 10 years from now he finally gets this movie out. All the actors were awesome. I don't want to see it redone...becuase I don't think anthing could be that good. I think we should do a fundraiser to raise money for this movie. Publisize it wherever we can. We should email the creator and ask him how we can help him to get this movie out there.
John You Are AWESOME! I must of Watched that trailer at least twenty times and how you did it ten. Have you ever went to film school cause you'd make an exellent director or and actor cause you were good in the trailer.
Oh my lord!! I can't believe that isn't a real movie!! What the hell!! You have to make it real!! I love this kinda movie, and I love these superheroes. You cannot betray me!!! You are the best. Very good job!!
Amazing! I hope this becomes a movie. Please keep us up to date.
Is the story completed? If so , I'm sure everyone would love to see it in book form or graphic novel.
Keep up the great work.
i am an aussie and i swear i was soooo pissed off that it isnt a real movie dude take that to that project greenlight show and get yourself the million i swear i and most of my mates will pay to see it 14 times and if you dont win the million it would be a crime do it man do it from aussie dc fans everywhere vondoom sydney australia
dude, u guys must not get out much, great idea, but it needs serious work
WoW!! This thought of knowing that its not gonna be a real movie bothers me.. it does seem like a good story line and all.. kinda suspensful wantin to know why the other DC characters are attackin Robin.. hope one day this "movie" will become reality..
I had thought this was going to be a real movie. Batman dying in this movie, I was so upset that a great superhero was really dead. I couldn't believe it. But it is worth watching to see what Dick Grayson can do.
Look. if this is not a real movie, it should be. The story is great, the actors look like the characters, the costumes are awsome, what more do you need. The actual Batman Begins movie doesn't look as good as this and I've been waitng to see that for 8 years. Batman Begins look awsome but Grayson looks cooler I'm ashamed to say. This needs to happen!!!
This is fantastic. Real creativity - I thought this was the new batman film! If this isnt made into a film there is no justice.
I agree with the people who said it's a good trailer and the guy who said you don't get out much. What's the point of doing this? Also, since you don't have a movie, it would be easier to make cool looking scenes when you don't have to write a story to link it together.
i saw on a website that somone emailed and asked if it will be a movie. the reply was that cat whoman was played by some wrestlers wife so it kind of inderectly said yes.
p.s. he spent 18 grand on it
Listen You've gotta take this to anyone in Hollywood or DC Comics that will listen to reason because asa huge huge Marvel fan this Movie could win an award and forever changed the way that Robin is veiwed in the DC realm.
I absolutely loved this trailer and long for it to become a movie. The actors and crew that put it together really know their stuff. The passion in Grayson's eyes to avenge his mentor and friend, his fellow heroes being there for him even when he doesn't want them there, the crazy wacked out evil of the Joker that terrorizes the people of Gotham and brings the boy wonder's zeal to its highest all come together to make this an event that, in my opinion, is worthy of the big screen as well as DC Comics' seal of approval. I wish I had a million dollars to give to make this movie happen. Keep striving John. Don't stop until Grayson makes the Big Screen. It's a wish a lot of people have; to see it happen.
this trailer was great, I watched it over and over, I hate that it's not a movie, it should be. Maybe you should offer the chance for fans to donate to a movie project I would definately give and I'm sure others would too. Whatever you do dont give up on this!
I would love to see this idea become a full length movie.Like others I to was upset to find it was only a tease and not a preveiw for a movie.If anyone has info on how we can try to help make this happen.please email
If Hollywood worked on talent alone this movie would have been made by now and been a respectable hit at the very least. It’s as good a production job as any previous Batman, a better idea than most and as safe an investment as anything on the slates in Hollywood. Most importantly that’s not a boast, it us up on the screen for all to see. It also shows John Fiorella can deliver a complete production not just direct it. However the reality is Hollywood is staffed by an army of execs all making a good living and ready to nod if their boss says yes and not until. Making Grayson represents a real problem politically as the hierarchy has not been consulted in time honored fashion with treatments and scripts being passed through agents and fixers in a string of expensive lunches. Any previous associate of the Batman franchise is bound to feel threatened and only the niave and overtly ambitious or the most secure in their position would green light this. Sad but true, it shows Fiorella can do without them all except for one thing, the rights to Batman, built on over half a century of fame. That’s how Fiorella got his army of pros to do it all for free of course, getting them all to make a trailer like this for something entirely original would be another story. Fiorella has now made a name for himself, it will be interesting to see if he fares better than Sandy Collora of Batman Dead End, the previous holder of the Bat Fan Movie Crown. He should this is in another league, the totally professional one. An incredible piece of work by any standards.
Please make this movie happen, I'm the biggest Batman fan and hate seeing him die but even I want this film out, its an original idea that no one has thought of and everyone that I have showed this trailer to wants to see it. WOW!!! Take it to Hollywood dude, even if they turn you away keep trying, someone has to take interest because it looks absolutely fantastic. Only problem is the knew Batman films that are coming out at the moment like Batman Begins and the Dark Night it could mess up that a little, so you may have to wait until that comes to an end, but don't give up man PLEASE !!!!!
the trailer was great, it kept mein suspense but, Dick Grayson became nightwing why would he go back to being Robin?
Nice try, nice idea but based on the trailer I'm not surprised he can't get the funds.
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