Sunday, March 13, 2005

How Much Is Inside?

How Much Is Inside A Keg?
Via jwz, an awesome site that answers the question man has pondered throughout the ages, "How Much Is Inside?" Which goes to great lengths to answer that question for:
  • Goldshlager
    The gold flakes swoosh around like a billionaire's snow-globe, attracting thirsty adults and nesting birds.

  • Print Cartridges
    I was already busy collecting the images I wanted to print...a wide variety of porn! After a long and tiresome sorting process alone in my room, I had a wide assortment of 8x10 inch images ready for printing.

  • Magic Shell
    Simply put, magic shell is awesome. It is ACTION FOOD! It forms a hard shell when put on top of ice cream, which protects it from burrowing insects and mites. It is the perfect way to make ice cream more fun & your classmates jealous.

  • A Keg
    Unfortunately, they only sell kegs with beer in them, and that much beer was certain to have a deleterious effect on our study.

    We decided to do the same thing that NASA does: Invite a hell of a lot more scientists to help out. I printed off some fliers and handed them out at a nearby petrochemical engineering convention.

  • And much, much, much more


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