Friday, November 05, 2004

Really Big Coincidence

Via Bob Harris, a link to a Scoop article, Vote Fraud - Exit Polls Vs Actuals. I wouldn't begin to put this past our good friends over in the Ends-Justifies-The-Means party. Or maybe this is just a really big coincidence.
Taking the figures and measuring the size and direction of the poll to supposed vote count discrepancy, we find the variance between the exit poll and the final result:

Bush plus 4%

Bush plus 5%

Bush plus 4%

Bush plus 7%

Bush plus 7%

New Hampshire
Bush plus 15%

North Carolina'
Bush plus 9%


At 6:49 AM, Blogger Right-winger said...

The real story here, my friends, is that it appears there was an attempt by liberal media organizations to show higher exit polls in favor of Kerry, in an attempt to enourage Democrats to go vote. Or, they self selected minorities, or something. After all, Democrats only think the opinions of minorities are worth a damn. Tell me, which received more examination: the operation of the voting machines, or the methods of the exit polls? A fucking exit poll is done by a partisan is supposed to be more accurate than heavily scrutinized election machines?

Only completely deluded freaks are maintaining this election was fraudulent.

And, it's part of the symptoms of the disconnect of the left-wingers: how could it be that most Americans disagree with their superior wisdom? They must all be stupid, or the election was fraudulent, or something. Bzzzzt. Try again.

At 6:52 AM, Blogger C said...

Early returns and exit polls showing a Kerry lead are the last thing the Democrats would want - because that kills their get-out-the-vote steam. Once people hear their candidate's winning, they're more likely to skip voting at all - why bother? So if there was any bias in order to affect turnout, it would be anti-Kerry bias, thank you and your alleged Liberal Media very much.

Regardless, the point was that some of the exit polls were much less accurate - and they just happened to be the ones in the states Bush had to win (and did win).

And as a computer scientist, I don't know how you can possibly refer to this year's crop of voting machines as "heavily scrutinized". Some of them run on an Access database, for fuck's sake! And scrutinized by who, anyway? County clerks who can barely surf the web and print a goddamn Excel spreadsheet? Great - that's great.

I'd have to say that only completely deluded freaks are coming to any conclusions about this election without a little study after the fact. A "Right-Winger" is the last person I'd expect to buy into, let alone vehemently push the line, "just trust us."


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