Suck, 10 Years Later

Via rabbit blog, a long, detailed, long, interesting, long, insightful and long history of Suck: Big Fish. Ah, how I miss the days when Wednesdays meant new Onion and new Filler!
Sucky tidbits:
- "[Illustrator Terry Colon] would get sick of me," says Havrilesky, "because I would send him descriptions that would say, 'An obese squirrel that looks slightly drunk and confused but regretful is sitting at a bar with an emaciated rabbit.' He would always say, 'You only get two emotions. It can be regretful and drunk, or regretful and excited, but it cannot be more than two things at once.'"
- T. Jay Madlib
I've had enough of your __(expletive)__, __(expletive)__ __(expletive)__! - Apocalypse Now! (near death experience)
"I even wrote a last Filler ever, where the hack kills the fish and then turns the gun on himself," says Havrilesky. "I remember writing it and saying to Terry, 'Oh god, I feel like the fish is dead now. I feel like I lost my good friend the fish because we killed him off.'" - Gone Fishin' (actual death experience)
Q. Who wants a can-do attitude from the Sucksters? You're supposed to be miserable for my entertainment. Whatever happened to suffering for your art?
A. Every day for six years we've been shucking and jiving for the amusement of a bunch of retards and you say we're not suffering enough? - Perfect example of their tagline ("A fish, a barrel and a smoking gun"): the Suckdot parody
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