Tuesday, November 16, 2004

RvB #43: Things Are Very Shiny Here

Red Vs. Blue Episode #43 is online. In which the transition from Halo to Halo 2 is (hilariously) accomplished, and the following classic lines are uttered:

"Only now do you realize the folly of your follies! Ah-ha ha! Prepare for an oblivion for which there is no preparation!"

"Yes, and now that I've located those "D" batteries, the Universe will be mine! Ah-ha ha!"

"That didn't make any sense - what's the long version?"
"That was the long version. The short version is, we're boned!"

"You had to get in one last ass kiss before we died, didn't you?

"We're in the future - things are very shiny here!"

Sarge: "The bomb [...] made an explosion so large, it destroyed the present!"
Tucker: "Destroyed the present? Then where are we?"
Griff: "We're in the future, numb-nuts."
Tucker: "Aren't we in the present right now? Aren't we always in the present?"
Griff: "Unbelievable - he can't cope with the loss. He's in denial!"
Sarge: "Son you're just not listening. The present has been destroyed! It no longer exists! We are in the future."
Tucker: "Aaaagh! That makes no sense!"


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