Friday, March 17, 2006

More on Bushonomics

Is it my fault Josh Marshall at Talking Points Memo is so linkable today? (No.)

[L]iberals or Democrats aren't committed to high rates of government spending as a core principle in the way that conservatives are with tax cuts. Yes, they believe in more social spending as a general rule. And there are certainly cases when that's led to fiscal excess. The distinction is an important one -- and one conservatives have a difficult time facing. But, in any case, what President Bush has done over the last five years -- with the unfailing support of pretty much every Republican elected official and pundit -- isn't 'big spending.' It's intentionally reckless fiscal policy which is going to create havoc for the country's finances for years to come.

If a Democrat tried to send soldiers to war and forgot to buy them ammunition or passed a health care plan without enough money for necessary drugs, that wouldn't make him closet conservative. It would mean he was incompetent. And voters would hold him to account.

That's a nice, succinct way to to put it, and just one little counterpoint to the "liberals = big spenders" drum endlessly pounded by those on the right. Plus a great zinger at the end.


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