Monday, October 25, 2004

MML: Milli Vanashlee

Definitely a moment that will be on the '05 Monday Morning Live collection: Ashlee Caught Lip Syncing on SNL.

More, from an article on Salon by Heather Havrilesky:

Like it or not, plenty of pop performers use pre-recorded tracks, and since Simpson's performance on MTV's Music Video Awards in August was roundly criticized as unimpressive and off-key, it's probably not surprising that Ashlee and her handlers would opt to lip-synch. It's also not surprising that Ashlee isn't the best live performer around; after all, she's hardly performed before. MTV captured her first live performance ever at The Knitting Factory in L.A., replete with promotional fraudience swooning enthusiastically for the cameras...

...Hours after the SNL incident, several Websites dug up an interview in Lucky Magazine, where Ashlee professed her disdain for pre-recorded vocals.

Lucky: What are your takes on lip-synching?

Simpson: I'm totally against it and offended by it. I'm going out to let my real talent show, not to just stand there and dance around. Personally, I'd never lip-synch. It's just not me.

As they say, "oops!" What's really a shame is that SNL will air musical guests like this, who are pure Music Industry Inc. creations, rather than some interesting, or at least talented, musicians. Maybe Ashlee just realized that that episode was in desparate need of something funny...


At 3:18 PM, Blogger Right-winger said...

How dare you malign the talent of Ashlee Simpson.
That kind of entrepreneurial enterprise is what made
America great! Nowhere in the Constitution does it say
that Ashlee Simpson has to play the right lip-synch track.
Only liberal weenies like you and Al Gore, I mean John Kerry,
would think otherwise.

Get a life, you entertainment Nazi.


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